Dear Friends,
We in EVP are extremely proud to have taken on the immense task of recruiting, training and organizing a framework of dedicated and selfless volunteers willing to come to Israel’s aid during times of crisis.
After the Second Lebanese War, it was evident that Israel’s emergency services and local municipalities were swamped by the extent of assistance needed. Even though they gave 1000%, the members of the emergency services were severely short staffed.
The Emergency Volunteers Project was established in full collaboration with Israel’s emergency services and local municipalities. Our goal is to locate and recruit volunteers who can be deployed at short notice to the relevant emergency needs of Israel. These specially trained volunteers will partner with their Israeli counterparts, providing them with the additional human support needed to assist the civilians residing in emergency shelters. This will increase the ability of the emergency services to respond quickly and more efficiently to calls for help in times of conflict.
If you have a place in your heart for Israel and the Jewish people and are concerned for the future of the Land of Israel, then the Emergency Volunteers Project needs YOU!
Sincerely yours,
Adi Zahavi, Founder & Director