The Israeli Government has devised a course of action for emergency relief to support its people. One of the biggest areas of need during these emergency situations is with the personnel available to assist. As EVP has partnered with Israel for over 17 years, the Government has requested our organization to provide additional emergency volunteers to support the country where needed. EVP is forming a network of trained & certified emergency response volunteers to deploy to Israel during times of crisis.
EVP's Feeding Responders
For the request of the Ministry of Defense, we formed the ‘EVP Mass-Feeding Unit’ with two main areas of responsibility, both in the areas of feeding during times of normality and crisis with emergency mobile kitchens, as well as to provide feeding events for IDF front line units all year long to put a smile on their faces and let them know that we all appreciate them as Israel’s first line of defense.
Feeding Response Training
All responders who deploy to Israel must be certified by the Israeli Goverment and EVP and hold valid certification(s) according to their professional status. EVP's training will teach volunteers the acceptable standards of personal and operational readiness in Israel and to acquaint them with new or revised protocols and/or procedures. Training will be conducted by teams of EVP certified instructors from the US and Israel. Training will consist of classroom lectures, practical exercises, and drills on various scenarios.
Forming Your Congregation Response Team For Israel
EVP, in collaboration with the State of Israel, is forming a network of Congregations Emergency Response TEAMs trained and certified to respond in Israel during times of crisis. To fulfill our mission, EVP is seeking to partner with Synagogues, Churche, communities and organizations who are concerned for the safety of Israel and her people and establish emergency response teams along 3 different tracks: Firefighting, Medical and Mass-Feeding. In order to train the responders for their tasks during emergencies, each volunteer is required to participate in training programs targeting their volunteer service category. This training teaches volunteers the acceptable standards of personal and operational readiness and acquaints them with new or revised protocols and/or procedures.